As with any business, LapWall s is exposed to a number of risks. The risks associated with the Company's business and operating environment are described in the prospectus published in connection with the First North listing.
LapWall actively strives to observe and identify risk factors that may adversely affect the achievement of the Company’s long- or short-term goals and to initiate necessary measures to manage the identified risk factors.
LapWall’s key risks are divided into operational, strategic and financial risks. Operational and strategic risks relate especially to uncertainty in the Company's key operating markets, financial markets and the general weakening of the global economy, which could have an adverse impact on the Company.
Risk management measures are updated and reviewed based on the risk assessments carried out and revised, if necessary. The Company’s risk management measures are approved by the Company’s Board of Directors.
The Management Team regularly monitors the implementation of risk management and reports on the risks and the progress of risk management measures to the Board. The adequacy and effectiveness of the measures are assessed as part of business monitoring. Corrective measures will be taken if necessary.